Event Advertising Options

Build-Your-Own Advertising Program - Using the options/prices below, you can Build-Your-Own Advertising Program and choose your start/end dates.

Order $40 or more of advertising services and
we'll display your event name in

1) Banner Ad - $30 for the first month. $10 for each additional month:
This image ad runs along the right side of the Cruise News Page and will link to your club/event website or to our Cruise News Page listing if you don't have a website. Banner Ads are listed in Chronological Order and will move up the page, as your event date gets closer.

2) Event Blasts - $10 each:
Event Blast sent out to our Newsletter Email List. (There are approx. 3,300+ names on our email list). It will be specific about your event.
Limit of 3 Event Blasts at approximately 2 weeks, 6 weeks,
and 12 weeks prior to the event.

3) Featured Event Posting on our Home Page - $10 each:
This will look similar to a Feature Ad of a vehicle for sale.
Centered on our Home Page, with a flyer image that will link to your website or Cruise News Page Listing.
It will move down one spot every day for about 7 days.
Limit of 3 Featured Event Postings at approximately 2 weeks, 6 weeks,
and 12 weeks prior to the event.

4) Event Flyer Video Insert (Non-profit organizations) - $10 each:
Depending on your event date and the dates we release a video of a Northwest Car Event, a flyer of your upcoming event can be inserted into the video. Our videos can be viewed on our Video Page, sent out in our email newsletter, and on the Northwest Classic Auto Mall YouTube Channel.

5) Vinyl Banner Advertising in our Show/Swap Meet Booth - $25.00 + $10.00 for each event you choose to have your banner displayed. Your banner will be remain with us for convenience. You'll be able to choose which events you want us to display your banner. Our Vinyl Banners measure 1' x 4 1/2' with grommets in all four corners for hanging. Click Here to see samples of the Vinyl Banners.

In addition, we post every event on our NWCAM Cruise News Facebook Page at least once, at not cost.

If you are unsure of which advertising option(s) to purchase, we can put together a package, based on your advertising budget.

We also offer flyer, postcard, and banner printing services as well. Please call us for details and prices. (503)577-3100

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Sign Up for our Northwest Classic Auto Mall Newsletter.

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