Classified Ads

Classified Ads : 1979 and Older Cars For Sale :

1969 Chevrolet Camaro Pro Touring *PENDING*
Item #: 24467

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*PENDING* 1969 Chevrolet Camaro Pro Touring

Supercharged LT4.
6 speed. 
Needs finished.
List of parts is a mile long.

Items that still need to be completed (partial list):

ECU/engine dyno tune
All dash cluster wiring to sensors (wiring diagram provided)
Install door panels, console & steering wheel
Front body panels fitment/adjustments and grill install
Shock controller programming
ABS controller verification
Paint or wrap (existing paint has some chips)
New tires

Happy to send more photos and details.
Over $200k spent on this.
Yours for less than half of what's been spent. 

Contact: John

Phone: (971) 337-63 three four

$ 110,000

Location: Vancouver, WA 98687

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